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General FAQs

How does Passage Co find qualified candidates from around the world?

We have an extensive network of contacts and use various recruitment channels to find the best candidates for your business needs.

How does Passage Co ensure that candidates are fully prepared and equipped to succeed in their roles?

We work with candidates to build their profile to ensure they are putting their best foot forward.  We will make suggestions on upskilling, reskilling or registering in Australia to suit the Australian business’ that we support.

What industries does Passage specialise in?

We work closely with the mining and trade industries, as well as the health sector – particularly in NDIS, the education industry and finally – IT and big data.

How do you match candidates with the right job?

Passage Co matches candidates based on qualifications, experience, and job preferences of both the employer and employee. We make placements for mutual satisfaction and long-term employment relationships.

Do you guarantee the candidates performance in the role?

We will provide a guarantee on all the candidates that we place. Because of the research that we do before placement, we are confident that we have made the right match 99.9% of the time.